Scribble It! free instals
Scribble It! free instals

Scribble It! free instals

If you’ve got an iPad Pro and Apple Pen­cil, drawing feels especially great in Scrib­ble. Designate different colors if you and your guests both need to point. No more clumsy describing of which part of a pic­ture you're re­fer­ring to – just use the mag­i­cal dis­ap­pear­ing laser ink. Point­ things out as you’re speaking with Scribble’s vir­tu­al laser point­er. Unlike a real whiteboard, many people can draw in the same space at the same time! Whiteboards are unlimited, so you can start fresh for each topic. Once you’ve con­nect­ed in Face­Time or by phone you can tell your guests to join you using a link or a code, for free, with no messy sign ups.Ĭontrol scrolling of the infinite drawing space so that everyone sees the same area at the same time.

Scribble It! free instals

No reg­is­ter­ing for an ac­count or adding con­tacts in yet an­oth­er app. Get­ on the same white­board to­geth­er in seconds. Display your live drawing on a big screen in a classroom or conference room using any browser and a convenient link.

Scribble It! free instals

The web app can be used to draw us­ing a tablet, touch screen com­put­er, or sty­lus. Work with any­one, even your guests who don’t have an iPad or iPhone. Once you are fin­ished, you can save out a new pdf with your an­no­ta­tions. Snap a pic­ture of home­work and draw on it, or re­view a pdf to­geth­er. Use Scrib­ble along­side a call talk with Face­Time or any other app you like.ĭraw over pdfs and im­ages. Draw to­geth­er in real time, from any­where! In seconds, any­one can follow along with your drawing or draw with you from the app or on the web.

Scribble It! free instals